About Me

Jordan Taylor Profile PhotoI never really grew out of playing with dolls.

As a child, I would collect scraps of fabric from around my house to sew them tiny dresses. As I got older, I moved on to creating more detailed costumes, and dabbled in making clothes for myself as well.

My journey as a doll artist began in college, when I was given a fairy art doll by my grandfather. I was completely enchanted. I made a few dolls of my own while researching the art doll community, and was happy to discover a market for an art form Iโ€™d been unknowingly working in since childhood.

I now create dolls inspired by all of my favorite stories and works of literature – of which there are many! When I’m not creating dolls, I’m an avid reader and a professionally published writer of fantasy stories. In the past I’ve worked as a librarian, and currently teach at an arts academy for elementary-aged children. My reading, writing, and art are constantly inspiring and informing one another.


4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. sunemoonsong

    Hi, my name is Victoria from a crafting blog called Crafty Girl. Your blog is one that I have looked at from time to time, and I have nominated your blog in turn for an award called Very Inspiring Blogger Award

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